
Email Template Header Size: The Ultimate Guide to Perfecting Your Email Design

In the realm of email marketing, every element contributes to the overall success of your campaigns. Among these elements, the email template header holds immense significance, serving as the first impression that sets the tone for your message. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of email template header size, exploring its impact on readability, user experience, and overall brand consistency.

From understanding the optimal header size based on device screen resolutions to implementing responsive design techniques, we will equip you with the knowledge and tools to create email headers that captivate your audience and drive results. Whether you’re a seasoned email marketer or just starting out, this guide will provide valuable insights to elevate your email designs to the next level.

Email Template Header Size Best Practices

Optimal Header Size Based on Device Screen Resolutions

The optimal header size for email templates depends on the screen resolution of the device being used to view the email.

  • For desktop screens with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels, a header height of 150-200 pixels is recommended.
  • For laptop screens with a resolution of 1366×768 pixels, a header height of 100-150 pixels is recommended.
  • For mobile devices with a resolution of 320×480 pixels, a header height of 50-100 pixels is recommended.

Impact of Header Size on Readability and User Experience

The size of the header can have a significant impact on the readability and user experience of an email template.

  • A header that is too large can make the email difficult to read, especially on mobile devices.
  • A header that is too small can make it difficult to find important information, such as the subject line and sender name.
  • A well-sized header will make the email easy to read and navigate, and will help to create a positive user experience.

Industry Standards and Recommendations for Header Height

There are a number of industry standards and recommendations for header height.

  • The Email Marketing Association (EMA) recommends a header height of 150-200 pixels for desktop screens and 100-150 pixels for laptop screens.
  • Litmus, an email testing and analytics company, recommends a header height of 100-150 pixels for all devices.
  • Mailchimp, an email marketing platform, recommends a header height of 150 pixels for desktop screens and 100 pixels for mobile devices.

Designing Responsive Email Headers

Email Template Header Size terbaru

Responsive design is crucial for email headers because it ensures they adjust seamlessly to different screen sizes. This enhances user experience and readability, especially on mobile devices where most emails are now opened.

To create responsive headers, consider using flexible layouts, fluid images, and media queries. Flexible layouts allow elements to resize dynamically, while fluid images scale proportionally to the screen width. Media queries enable you to define specific styles for different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on all devices.

For example, a well-designed responsive header could include a logo that scales down on smaller screens, a menu that transforms into a hamburger icon, and text that adjusts its font size based on the available space.

Optimizing Header Size for Mobile Devices

When it comes to mobile devices, header size plays a crucial role in ensuring a seamless user experience. With limited screen real estate, it’s essential to optimize header height and width for mobile screens.

For mobile devices, it’s recommended to keep the header height between 50px to 70px. This provides enough space for essential elements like the logo, navigation menu, and call-to-action buttons while maintaining a comfortable reading experience.

Header Width

As for header width, it should be set to 100% to ensure it spans the entire screen width. This eliminates any awkward white space or alignment issues and creates a cohesive design.

Examples of Effective Mobile-Optimized Headers

Here are some examples of email headers that have been effectively optimized for mobile devices:

  • Example 1: A header with a prominent logo in the center, followed by a simple navigation menu on the right and a call-to-action button on the left.
  • Example 2: A header with a stacked design, featuring the logo at the top, navigation menu in the middle, and a call-to-action button at the bottom.

Creating Consistent Email Header Branding

Maintaining a consistent brand image across all marketing channels is essential for building brand recognition and trust. This includes your email headers, which serve as the first impression for your email campaigns.

By designing headers that align with your brand guidelines, you can reinforce your brand identity and create a cohesive experience for your audience.

Tips for Designing Branded Email Headers

  • Use your brand logo: Your logo is the most recognizable element of your brand, so make sure it’s prominently displayed in your email headers.
  • Stick to your brand colors: The colors you use in your email headers should match your brand’s color palette. This will help create a consistent visual identity.
  • Use consistent fonts: The fonts you use in your email headers should also be consistent with your brand’s typography. This will help create a polished and professional look.
  • Keep it simple: Email headers should be simple and easy to read. Avoid cluttering them up with too much text or images.

Examples of Effective Email Headers

Here are a few examples of email headers that effectively convey brand identity:

  • Apple: Apple’s email headers are simple and elegant, featuring the Apple logo and a clean, minimalist design.
  • Nike: Nike’s email headers are bold and eye-catching, featuring the Nike swoosh and a vibrant color scheme.
  • Starbucks: Starbucks’ email headers are warm and inviting, featuring the Starbucks logo and a cozy, coffee-themed design.

Using HTML Tables for Email Header Layouts


HTML tables provide a structured and flexible approach to creating email headers. They enable you to define the layout and size of your header elements precisely, ensuring consistency across different email clients.

To create a table-based email header, start by defining a

element with the desired number of rows and columns. You can then use table cells (

) to position your header elements, such as your logo, navigation menu, and social media icons.

Setting Header Height Using Table Attributes

To set the height of your email header, you can use the height attribute on the

element. The value of this attribute can be specified in pixels (px), percentages (%), or ems.

For example:


Your header content


Examples of Email Headers Designed Using HTML Tables

Here are some examples of email headers designed using HTML tables:

[Example 1: A simple header with a logo and navigation menu]
[Example 2: A more complex header with multiple rows and columns]
[Example 3: A header with a background image]

Implementing CSS Media Queries for Responsive Headers

CSS media queries are crucial for creating responsive email headers that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes. They allow you to define specific style rules that apply only when certain conditions are met, such as the width of the viewport.

Here’s how you can use media queries to optimize your email header:

Media Query Examples

  • To target devices with a screen width of 600px or less, use the following media query: @media screen and (max-width: 600px)
  • To target devices with a screen width between 600px and 900px, use: @media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px)

Adjusting Header Elements

Within the media query, you can adjust various aspects of your header, such as:

  • Height: header height: 60px;
  • Font size: h1 font-size: 20px;
  • Padding: header padding: 10px;

By implementing CSS media queries, you can ensure that your email headers are visually appealing and functional across a range of devices.

Common Queries

What is the ideal header height for desktop devices?

For desktop devices, an optimal header height ranges between 60px to 120px. This range provides ample space for essential elements like your logo, navigation menu, and call-to-action buttons while ensuring readability and avoiding overwhelming the user.

How do I optimize header size for mobile devices?

For mobile devices, a more compact header height is recommended, typically around 40px to 60px. This ensures that your header remains visible and functional on smaller screens, preventing it from dominating the email content.

Why is it important to use responsive design for email headers?

Responsive design is crucial for email headers as it allows them to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. By using flexible layouts and media queries, you can ensure that your headers maintain their intended appearance and functionality across various platforms, enhancing the user experience.

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