
The Ultimate Guide to Email Templates in Odoo 15: Empowering Your Business Communication

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective communication is paramount. Email templates play a crucial role in streamlining your communication processes and enhancing your professional image. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of Email Templates in Odoo 15, empowering you to create, manage, and utilize email templates seamlessly.

Odoo 15’s Email Template module offers a plethora of features and functionalities designed to elevate your email communication. From crafting visually appealing templates to integrating with external systems, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and expertise to harness the full potential of email templates in Odoo 15.

Overview of Email Template Odoo 15

Yo, listen up! Email Template Odoo 15 is the sickest way to smash out emails that are bang on trend. It’s like having a personal stylist for your inbox, innit? No more boring, basic emails. With this, you can create templates that are as lit as you are.

But wait, there’s more, bruv! This bad boy comes with a whole bunch of features that’ll make your email game untouchable. From customising your templates to tracking your email performance, it’s got you covered. It’s like having a secret weapon in your arsenal, giving you the edge over the competition.

Key Features and Functionalities

  • Design your own email templates from scratch or use pre-built ones.
  • Add dynamic content like customer names, order details, and more.
  • Schedule emails to be sent at the perfect time.
  • Track your email performance to see what’s working and what’s not.

Creating and Managing Email Templates in Odoo 15

Email Template Odoo 15

Creating and managing email templates in Odoo 15 is a breeze. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu and select “Email Templates”.
  2. Click on the “Create” button to create a new template.
  3. Enter a name for the template and select the type of email you want to create.
  4. Design the email template using the rich text editor. You can use HTML or plain text.
  5. Click on the “Save” button to save the template.

You can also manage existing email templates by clicking on the “Edit” button. Here you can change the name, type, or design of the template.

When creating email templates, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use a clear and concise subject line.
  • Keep the email body short and to the point.
  • Use images and videos to make the email more visually appealing.
  • Test the email template before sending it to make sure it looks good and works properly.

Using Email Templates in Odoo 15

Email templates are pre-designed email messages that can be used to send automated emails from various modules and applications within Odoo 15. These templates provide a consistent and professional way to communicate with customers, partners, and employees.

Email templates can be customized and personalized for specific scenarios, such as sending order confirmations, invoices, or marketing campaigns. They can also be used to automate email sequences, such as welcome emails or follow-up messages.

Using Email Templates in Different Modules

Email templates are available in a wide range of Odoo modules, including:

  • Sales: Send order confirmations, invoices, and delivery notifications.
  • Marketing: Send newsletters, promotional emails, and event invitations.
  • CRM: Send automated emails to leads and customers.
  • Human Resources: Send employee onboarding emails, performance reviews, and termination notices.

Customizing Email Templates

Email templates can be customized to match the branding and style of your organization. You can edit the subject line, body text, and layout of the email. You can also add custom fields and variables to personalize the email for each recipient.

Sending Emails Using Templates

To send an email using a template, simply select the template from the “Email” menu in the relevant module. You can then enter the recipient’s email address, customize the subject line and body text, and click “Send.”

Email templates are a powerful tool for automating and personalizing email communication in Odoo 15. By using email templates, you can save time, improve communication efficiency, and build stronger relationships with your customers and partners.

Integrating Email Templates with Other Systems

Email Template Odoo 15 offers integration options with external systems and applications, expanding its functionality and streamlining communication processes. By connecting email templates with other systems, businesses can automate tasks, enhance data exchange, and improve overall efficiency.

Integrating email templates with other systems presents several benefits. Firstly, it eliminates manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors, leading to increased accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, integrations allow for real-time data synchronization, ensuring that email templates are always up-to-date with the latest information from connected systems. This ensures the delivery of timely and relevant communications.


While integrating email templates with other systems offers numerous advantages, it also comes with certain challenges. One challenge lies in ensuring compatibility between the systems involved. Different systems may have varying data formats, APIs, and security protocols, which can complicate the integration process. Additionally, maintaining integrations requires ongoing monitoring and updates to ensure seamless operation.

Best Practices

To set up and manage integrations effectively, consider the following best practices:

– Plan and Document: Before initiating any integrations, thoroughly plan the integration strategy, including the systems to be connected, the data to be exchanged, and the expected outcomes. Document the integration process for future reference and troubleshooting.

– Use Standard Protocols: Whenever possible, leverage industry-standard protocols such as RESTful APIs, SOAP, or XML-RPC for integration. This simplifies the integration process and ensures compatibility across different systems.

– Test and Monitor: Conduct thorough testing before deploying integrations to identify and resolve any potential issues. Continuously monitor integrations to ensure they are functioning as intended and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Troubleshooting and Optimizing Email Templates in Odoo 15

Email Template Odoo 15

If you’re having trouble with your email templates in Odoo 15, don’t fret. This guide will help you troubleshoot and optimize your templates for better deliverability and performance.

Here are some common issues you might encounter when using email templates in Odoo 15:

  • Emails are not being sent.
  • Emails are being sent to the wrong recipients.
  • Emails are being marked as spam.
  • Emails are not being displayed correctly.

Here are some solutions and best practices for troubleshooting and resolving email template issues:

  • Check your email settings to make sure they are correct.
  • Make sure your email templates are using the correct merge fields.
  • Test your email templates before sending them to a large number of recipients.
  • Use a spam checker to make sure your emails are not being flagged as spam.
  • Optimize your email templates for mobile devices.

Here are some tips and techniques for optimizing email templates for deliverability and performance:

  • Use a consistent design for all of your email templates.
  • Keep your email templates concise and to the point.
  • Use clear and concise subject lines.
  • Personalize your email templates with merge fields.
  • Use images and videos sparingly.

By following these tips, you can troubleshoot and optimize your email templates in Odoo 15 for better deliverability and performance.

FAQ Corner

Can I integrate Email Templates in Odoo 15 with other systems?

Yes, Email Templates in Odoo 15 offer integration options with external systems and applications. This allows you to streamline communication across different platforms and automate processes.

How do I troubleshoot issues with Email Templates in Odoo 15?

This guide provides a comprehensive section on troubleshooting and optimizing email templates in Odoo 15. It covers common issues and challenges, along with step-by-step solutions and best practices.

Can I customize email templates for specific scenarios in Odoo 15?

Absolutely! Email Templates in Odoo 15 offer advanced customization options. You can tailor templates to match your brand identity, personalize content for different recipients, and create dynamic templates that adapt based on specific conditions.

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